U1 14

Terra incognita of the quantum dimension – Bell-states

Slide 6 von 9


The four Bell states form the basis for all maximally entangled two-qubit states. They are of central importance for quantum communication and quantum computing.


The basis for all maximally entangled states is given by the four Bell states. All four Bell states can be created experimentally using the BBO crystal. Additional polarisation rotators need to be installed in the beam path for that purpose.

The rotationally symmetrical entangled state Omega, |Ω> is usually termed as Bell state |Φ+>.

Here we shown the Bell-state |Φ-> describing the superposition of plus 45° and minus 45° polarized photons.

Here we shown the Bell- state |Ψ+> describing the superposition of horizontal and vertical polarized photons.

The Bell state |Ψ−> is something special: it is anti-symmetrical when photon 1 and photon 2 are interchanged.

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